How to Make Your Dreams A Reality: 9 Levels to Goal Setting + Printable Vision and Goals Worksheet
Mar 19, 2021Updated on May 13, 2021
The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do, like you. - Sarah Ban Breathnach
Believe it or not, you can live, create, and enjoy the type of lifestyle you want. And you can do it on your own terms without having access to wealth or a college degree - if you are open to learning.
Understanding this fact and understanding what I am about to share with you is essential for success. And if you already have a college degree or you’ve got the education, you should try to remember what Einstein said.
“Education is what remains after you have forgotten what you learned in school.” - Albert Einstein
That said, you must be willing to learn beyond your education, and you must be prepared to throw out much of what you learned in school, because much of what you learned is incorrect. Case in point: Christopher Columbus did not discover America, and starting a sentence with a conjunction is a matter of preference - it's perfectly fine.
And that's true, you see, one of the things Einstein knew is that it’s not what we learn in school that produces marvelous results and makes us amazingly successful.
It is what we learn after school by investing in ourselves, continuing our education, and working with the right people; coaches, mentors, and advisors that make us uber-successful, and gives us a new lease on life.
Now, I’m going to cut the chase. I’m going to erase the following five paragraphs and give you what you want – a life planning tool and some new knowledge that will help you create a life plan, a plan that can drastically change your life and help you find happiness. I’m also going to give you free access to my vision and goals planning workbook. It's literally a personal goal setting worksheet and life planning tool that has been downloaded over 7000 times.
Vision and Goals Workbook (Free Download)
So, now that I have erased those 5-paragraphs I spoke of... (They're gone), here is the first thing I want you to know.
#1. There are nine levels to goal setting.
You may have never learned this. And because you haven't, you can’t apply it to your life and enjoy the life you want.
No one teaches the nine levels of goal setting quite like I do. Sometimes I call it the Nikola Tesla 3–6–9 Manifestation Technique. It’s designed to help you logically get everything you want in life using the nine levels of goal setting. It’s almost magical, and it’s based on the same knowledge that makes Nikola Tesla one of the most researched inventors in history. Nikola Tesla discovered the secret knowledge of 3–6–9 and applied it to transforming power distribution. Tesla then introduced the world to alternating currents of electricity. His ideas inspired Elon Musk and the growth of the Tesla Car Company. Nikola Tesla is heavily studied and quoted throughout history.
One of the most amazing things Tesla said was…
“If you only knew the magnificence of 3 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
I understand the spiritual power of 3 6 9, and I want to help you make the rest of your life the best of your life and answer questions such as how to make my dreams come true, or how can I change my life for the better. I also want to make sure you get a copy of the printable goal-setting worksheet you’ve been looking for. You can get the worksheet here.
Then, let's move on to step number two.
#2. You must start with the end in mind.
Now I’m not going to give you all the details because you can download the vision and goals workbook; it is the best life planning tool I am aware of. It’s all you need to get started and make the rest of your life the best. My contact information is also included in the vision and goals workbook.
So, if you haven’t already done so, download the workbook here, and then come back and let’s get busy. This will make a whole lot more sense once you have that workbook in front of you.
You can do this. You can live, create, and enjoy the lifestyle you want; you can be happy and enjoy the good life, and it all starts by pausing for a moment, finding a secluded place to contemplate life, and thinking to yourself - while completing section one in the vision and goals workbook.
Think to yourself...
How can I change my life and become a better person? In ten years from now, what type of lifestyle do I want to be living?
That’s starting with the end in mind, and it prompts you to think and visualize…
- Where do I want to be in 10 years from now?
- What type of lifestyle do I want to enjoy?
- Can I have it sooner? If so, how will it have looked when it's done?
- If I were 81 years old, and I looked back after having lived and visualized my best life, what would I see myself having done? What will I be remembered for?
This is backwards planning at its best. We’re starting with the end in mind, and you are creating a vision that will carry you deep into the future, at least 9 to 18 years into the future, if not more. If you follow the process, you’re going to do something few people ever realize they can do. You’re going to achieve happiness: long-lasting happiness.
You are going to grab the bull of life by the horns and tell that bull exactly where you want to go, and you’re going to force it to take you where you want.
#3. You must create a vision: a mental picture of the life you want.
The workbook has an example, more details, and several pages where you can think and write out your Vision. Don't be shy. Go into detail and remember this is initially for your eyes only, so be honest - write out the lifestyle you envision. You can talk about the type of house you want, the car you want, the physical health you want, and the family members you want in your presence. None of these people or things must be currently in your possession, but the goal is to see them as if they are.
I've done it, and it works!

Where there is no vision, goals go unachieved. Don’t let goals go unachieved. Create your vision and write it down. And make sure it’s yours, and not someone else’s.
#4. You must employ the 3–6–9 goals attainment technique.
Begin the nine levels of goal setting by using the 3–6–9 Goals Attainment Technique. You will begin writing down the goals that will make your dreams come true.
Now listen, I know you’re probably wondering or thinking you don’t have to write down all your goals – but you’re wrong. Unwritten goals rarely get accomplished unless they are extremely small or minute. And visions that are small and minute eventually disappear or become forgotten.
Trust me, the best thing you can do is write down your goals.
And since we’re working backward to help you get what you want, we’re going to start by identifying your long range-goals. The full directions are recorded here in the Vision Workbook.
Theoretically, your long-range goals directly result in your vision becoming a reality between years 6 and 9, or sooner.
Numbers and mathematics are the language through which GOD created the universe. By reading and interpreting the numbers behind our creation we open new doors of understanding that allow us to know ourselves and maximize our results on the physical plane. Learn your numbers, discover yourself, and make the rest of your life the best of your life. - Ernie Davis
#4(a). There are three levels to long-range goals: levels nine, eight, and seven.
Your long-range goals are related to fulfilling your life’s work or purpose while enjoying your career and larger professional aims.
Now, people often ask..., why does it take 9-years to create the lifestyle I want?
And well, it’s simple: Nothing great happens overnight, and according to some of the greatest minds the world has ever known, like Pythagoras of Samos, Saint Augustine of Hippo, and even the occult scholars and philosophers like Cornelius Agrippa, the author of De Occulta Philosophia Libri III, and others, 9-years equals a complete cycle of transformation, evolution, and growth.
We can discuss that in more detail once you are ready to learn the spiritual magic of directing life and attaining goals. But first…
Here are the details to writing your goals, starting with your top 3, level-nine long-range goals, and working your way down to your top 3 level one-immediate goals. Remember, we're working backward, so every goal must produce results that directly lead to you achieving the next higher goal. Each lower goal will ultimately aid you in making your dreams come true and attaining the next higher goal. They must lead you to make your vision a reality.
Since you already have the instructions in the workbook, here is a quick rundown.
#5. Start with your level-nine, eight, and seven long-range goals.
Level Nine: Long-term goals to be carried out between 9 and 18 years from now. Your level-nine goals should be reviewed annually and revised roughly every 4 to 5 years on the 9-cycle unless life has helped you identify more fulfilling goals before that time. Just remember, changing your long-range goals too often is a sure way to find yourself lost, confused, and stressed, chasing shiny objects like a kid in a candy store. See the vision and goals workbook for additional details.
Level Eight: Goals to be accomplished on years 7, 8, and 9. These goals should be reviewed annually and revised every 2 to 3 years on the 9 Cycle. Remember, once your long-range goals are set, you must avoid changing them too often.
Level Seven: Goals to be accomplished in years 4, 5, and 6. They should be reviewed and revised annually. The best time to review and update your long-range goals is on the 3 6 9-cycle within the first 15 to 20 days following the winter and summer solstice, but not both. In the beginning, just get started, but then choose the season that works best for your mood. It should be a dedicated time of year where you can devote 3-days or 72-hours or more to thinking about life, revising your vision statement, articulating your goals, and planning for their accomplishment.
Greatness takes time, patience, and practice. Like a child or a tree growing to beautiful maturity, nothing great happens over night." - Ernie Davis
If you read the works of philosophers like Cornelius Agrippa, and you are intuitive, the reasons for the seasons become clear.
There is mystical energy in the air that provides an excellent opportunity to think, relax, and focus your attention on moving forward. It allows you to enter the new year or second half of the year with a renewed focus and determination toward making your dreams a reality.
#6. Focus on your level-six, five, and four short-term goals:
Level Six: Short-term goals to be reached between 1 and 3 years from now. Your level six goals should be reviewed and revised every 120-days, or 4 months on the 9-day cycle.
Level Five: Goals to be accomplished between 7 and 12 months from now. These should be reviewed and revised every other month at 60-day intervals on the 9-day cycle.
Level Four: Goals to be accomplished between 4 and 6 months out. These should be reviewed monthly and revised every other month on the 9-day cycle.
And we end with…
#7. Write down your level three, two, and one immediate goals:
These are the goals you will be actively working on over the next 90 days.
Here are the details.
Level Three: Immediate goals to be accomplished between 60 and 90 days out. These should be reviewed and revised monthly on the 9-day cycle.
Level Two: Goals to be carried out between 30 and 60 days from now. These should be reviewed bi-weekly and revised monthly on the 9-day cycle.
Level One: Goals to be carried out over the next 3, 6, 9, and 30 days. These are the goals you are actively working on today, tomorrow, and next week. These should be reviewed and revised weekly and monthly on the 9-day cycle.
This is a brief overview of how the process works. If you want to learn more and understand the significance of 3–6–9 and how it works, and how to apply it to your life and goal setting – download the worksheet, get started, and let’s talk.
This YouTube video will help you understand Nikola Tesla and the power of 3-6-9.
Update: The 3 6 9 Cycle of Life Explained
This article was first published in The Freedom Link (BLOG) | By Powerhouse Motivations DC and written by Ernie Davis aka The People's Coach.