The next best thing to having your very own team of executive life coaches and advisers is self-help books—excellent books written for and by men and women like you. Men and women who refuse to accept the status quo are fantastic for your personal growth and development.

Through great books, you can receive mentorship from historical figures like Frederick Douglas, Andrew Carnegie, Harriet Tubman, Henry Ford, Booker T Washington, and others. Their books, life lessons, and teachings can help you transform your life and produce extraordinary results.
The books below are more valuable than even a single hour in time with one of your favorite heroes. They are more valuable because the book provides a written record that you can take with you and read, study, and review anytime you desire.
Pictured: Booker T. Washington, U.S. Presidential Advisor, Author, and Educator. Book: Up From Slavery, 1901.
Who knew that successful men and women of all races and creeds have always existed and supported each other in the United States of America?
Intelligent men and women continuously invest in their libraries. Nowadays they buy books, eBooks, audiobooks, and download pdfs like those below which are great for traveling, riding in your car, or commuting.
The books on The Coaches Top 25 Success University List are timeless resources that bring many of our most outstanding historical mentors and teachers to life. Whether you're struggling to produce the desired results, working through strenuous bouts of depression, anxiety, and frustration, or wanting a change in life, the books below are fantastic resources.
They're guaranteed to point you in the right direction for success, happiness, and fulfillment. They'll help you reinvent yourself as the person you want to be. Either of the books below can change your life.
Pictured: Robert C. Ogden, U.S. Secretary of War, William Howard Taft, 27th U.S. President, Booker T. Washington and Andrew Carnegie, standing on the steps of a building, at the Tuskegee Institute's 25th anniversary celebration in April of 1906. Book: Think & Grow Rich, By Napoleon Hill.
If you knew the significance of this picture you'd be jumping to gain access to our 9-Step Life Transformation System™.

The 25 Books below are the personal favorites of The People's Coach. Each one has played a considerable role in his personal and professional development. They've helped him escape poverty, transform his life, enjoy amazing results, healthy relationships and dare to become the husband, father, man, and coach he is today. They've helped him lead a prosperous life, retire at forty, overcome difficulty, and go on to teach thousands of people how to do the same.
And today, we recommend each of these books to you. Enjoy the list and share it with as many people as humanly possible.
The Coach's Top 25

Psycho-Cybernetics is a term coined by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, which means, steering your mind to a productive, useful goal so you can reach …

This book teaches how each of us shapes the events around us, creating our own lives in the process. It shows how, in our own thou …

For more than four decades success‐oriented readers have turned to the no‐nonsense, time‐tested motivational techniques described in …

This is the landmark guide to wealth creation. Wallace D. Wattles spent a lifetime considering the laws of success as he found them in the …

This little yellow book will change your life as a Speaker and Teacher. These 11 Steps to Powerful Presentation and Public Speaking lai …

In this book Steve Harvey shows how your gifts hold your greatest chance at achieving massive success and fulfilling your life’s mission and pur …

Few entrepreneurs can claim to have radically changed the way we live, and Ray Kroc is one of them. His revolutions in food-service au …

America's leadership expert teaches that if your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer. Whatever your vocation or asp …

What's the difference between a dreamer and someone who achieves their dream? The answer lies in answering ten powerful and stra …

The complementary book to Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, organizes the success principles of life into twelve universal laws. Each law …

Are there tested tried and true principles certain to help you rise to a higher level? John Maxwell says yes. He has been passionate about …

If you’ve never read this book you’ve been missing out on one of the best-selling leadership books of all time. If you have read the original version …

This Wall Street Journal bestseller, is the perfect, compact read for today's fast-paced world. America's leadership expert John C. Maxwell will teach …

Are there tested tried and true principles certain to help you rise to a higher level? John Maxwell says yes. He has been passionate about …

This is the official pdf version of Think & Grow Rich used for our inhouse mastermind study groups and coaching programs. The quality of this …

Born in a Virginia slave hut, Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) rose to become the most influential spokesman for African-Americans of his …

A memoir and treatise on the abolition of slavery written by the famous orator and escaped slave Frederick Douglass. It is the most popular narra …

Dale Carnegie’s time tested advice is carried countless people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. One of the most groun …

Malcolm X, the Muslim leader, firebrand, and anti-integrationist, tells the extraordinary story of his life and the growth of the Black Muslim move …

Are you struggling to run productive meetings within your organization? If two heads are better than one, why does it seem like a room full of people …

The Negro, whether in Africa or America, must be directed toward a serious examination of the fundamentals of education, religion, literature, …

In 1937, Marcus Garvey, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, assembled his most trusted organizers to impart his life's …

According to countless mainstream news orgs, Elijah Muhammad, by far, was the most powerful black man in America. Known more for …

Standing apart from all other KJV study Bibles on the market, the King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is the only Bible featuring extensive …

We Stand On
The Shoulders of Greatness
We owe it to those before us to strive for succes and do everything in our power to make the rest of our lives the best and pave the way for others. I want to help you get started and make the rest of your life the best.

This is the 11th edition of the best-selling translation of the Meaning of The Holy Qur'an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, published by Amana Publications. This …